Sweeny Todd, tonight
at Memorial Hall
A Weekly Thing...
Naiesha Thobe, Story Editor
Amy Whittington, Cartoonist
Teen Scribes
Greenville High School’s Theatre Troupe 4114 will be presenting the
final performance of the tale of Sweeney Todd Saturday, December 3rd,
at 7:00 p.m. at Memorial Hall. Tickets will be $5 and will go on sale
at the door starting at 6:30 p.m. Come support the troupe during a tale
of love, betrayal, and murder most foul!
Naiesha and Amy are both seniors at Greenville High School. Naiesha has
written for our Teen Scribes section for months and introduced Amy to
partner with her on the third of many cartoons and cartoon strips to
run on a weekly basis.
This week's cartoon? You'll have to be there... at Sweeney Todd tonight, that is.