members have fun trying on some fascinating items while
putting the finishing touches
on planning for the upcoming “A
Fascinating Time” social event and style show hosted by the
County Republican Women’s Club to be held at the Greenville Country
Club July 16.
Left to right are Wavelene Denniston, Kay Seiler, Pat
Faulkner and President Sally Zeiter. (L. Bliss Photo)
Fascinating Time to
be held by GOP Women
By Lyn Bliss, Senior Scribe
State President Jean Turner will be the featured speaker at a social
event being hosted by the Darke County Republican Women’s Club at noon
on July 16 at the Greenville Country Club.
“A Fascinating Time” is the name given to the event, based upon the
“fascinators” worn by women attending the recent British Royal wedding.
The event will feature styles by Youniques and some fascinating items
from Ivy League. An autographed Karl Rove book and a special surprise
item from John Boehner will be auctioned.
“This event has been so much fun to work on. Love my committee
and everyone has been so helpful. I feel certain anyone who
attends will have a FASCINATING time!” said event organizer Kay Seiler.
Turner, from Gibsonburg, is in her second year as president of the Ohio
Federation of Republican Women – a group of Republican women’s clubs
across the state with almost 2,000 members. The Darke County Republican
Women’s Club is a Federated Club.
Cost for the event is $10 per person and includes a luncheon of chicken
breast with cobb salad, sherbet, and tea or coffee. Price includes tax
and gratuity. Pre-paid reservations only before July 12, to: Wavelene
Denniston, 790 Berkshire Drive, Greenville, Ohio 45331. For questions,
please call President Sally Zeiter at (937) 423-2391.