Greenville, Wayne Healthcare Toastmasters...
National speaker
Bowlin to present “The Power of Ideas”
April 24, 7 p.m., Chestnut Village
Julia Bowlin, physician at the Versailles Medical Center, national
speaker, author and member of the Greenville Toastmasters and the Wayne
HealthCare Toastmasters will present The Power of Ideas, a free
seminar, open to the public on Tuesday, April 24 from 7-8:30 p.m. in
Chestnut Hall located inside the Chestnut Village Center in the
Brethren Retirement Community.
Bowlin’s program will illustrate how people who are skilled at
producing new ideas can make a profoundly important contribution to our
society. The program will clarify the basic principles of creative
thinking and explore specific techniques that can make all of us more
effective idea producers in our home, school, workplace, or community.
The seminar will cover and include
Convergent and divergent thinking
Dealing effectively with others who practice divergent and convergent
Developing ones imagination
Fluency in option thinking
Thinking in terms of opportunities rather than problems
Hypothesizing when diagnosing complex situations
Mental Calisthenics, creating combinations, brainstorming
Listening and feedback skills
Workbook and light refreshments
The seminar is sponsored by the Greenville Toastmasters Club and the
Wayne HealthCare Toastmasters Club. The mission of a Toastmasters
club is to provide a mutually supportive and positive learning
environment in which every member has the opportunity to develop
communication and leadership skills, which in turn foster
self-confidence and personal growth.