County Parks...
Workshop scheduled for Jan 30
RSVP by Jan
Parks volunteers, Friends and future volunteers: Are you ready to PLAY?
Have you
ever answered in a form of a question?
It’s time to expand your knowledge / skills of
the Darke County Parks so
you can be the first to buzz in your answer… in the form of a question!
fun-filled evening is for everyone, Friend of the Park District
volunteers, or someone interested in becoming a new volunteer!
sure to mark your calendars and join us
at Shawnee Prairie Preserve on Monday, January 30th 6PM for the 40th
Anniversary Darke County Parks Jeopardy.
Jeopardy topics for the evening will range
anywhere from nature, safety,
park information, etc. Snacks
and drinks
will be provided during this event as well as the possibilities of
winning a
door prize. Please
RSVP to Laura
Schwieterman at 937-548-0165 by Jan 20th if you are coming!