Golf Outing Reminder!
11th is the Darke County Republican Golf Outing at Turtle Creek
Golf Course east of Greenville at 1:00 p.m..
Cost for a foursome is $300 dollars and
includes Golf, Cart, and Dinner.
Trophies are awarded to the top 3 scoring teams.
If you are not a golfer, please join us for
a delicious New York Strip dinner.
Cocktails are starting at 5:00 with dinner at
about 5:45. Bring
along a friend, or your wife or
Husband, dinner is only $25 dollars per person.
For more information, contact Cindy Pike at
548-1713 or e-mail You may also contact Mike
Stegall at 459-9555
This is a good fundraiser for our candidates next year, so please
join us for an afternoon of good fun and fellowship, May 11th at 1:00
at Turtle
Creek Golf Course.