County Commissioner Mike Stegall
with the Commissioner
the start of the New Year, it is time to once again continue
the effort to bring local government closer to the people. In continuing on that
path, on January 19th,
Commissioner Stegall will hold the first “Coffee with the Commissioner”
of the
New Year. This
gathering will take place
at Kathy’s Restaurant, located at 416 Martin Street in Greenville. Commissioner
Stegall will be there from 8:00
a.m. until 10:00 a.m. to answer any questions the public may have
government. These
meetings give everyone
the opportunity to communicate directly with your local elected
officials. Commissioner
Stegall urges people to speak up
on their concerns or problems, so he can understand what is important
to you,
the public. This is
not a formal event,
but an opportunity to make your local government better through your
ideas. Please join
Commissioner Stegall on January
19th at 8:00 a.m., enjoy a good breakfast in a pleasant atmosphere, at
restaurant located at 416 Martin Street in Greenville.
See you there!