Park P.A.L.S. hit the
The Darke
County Parks’
Park P.A.L.S. students joined Naturalist, Laura Schwieterman, this
past month for the program Nature in the Fall and had a blast! We hit
the trails early this morning and were busy searching for signs of
noticed the leaves changing colors and falling to the ground. The
prairie plants all mostly have gone to seed and we located several
seed pods from various trees in the woods. While walking along the
creek we heard some falling water and stopped to check it out. The
students experienced a breathtaking moment as they found a dam that
our local beavers created to make their home. While looking at the
dam we also noticed several beaver chews and beaver mud slide paths
in the area. On our walk back we gathered various fall items such as
different colors of leaves, sticks, and nuts.
Park P.A.L.S
enjoyed the
story Leaf
Man by Lois
Ehlert and after the story we headed to the Live Classroom where all
the students were busy creating their own leaf man. Turtles, owls,
turkeys and several other animals were created. If you missed today’s
class and you are Kindergarten to second grade please feel free to
join us for our upcoming programs on December 7th,
January 11th and February 1st programs are 9:30AM until noon. Call the Nature Center at
937-548-0165 to register for the program.