Flint Knapping
Join the Darke County Parks on Thursday, September 4th at 6:30pm
for a program about the technical and artful skill of transforming
pieces of specialized rock into useful tools, producing knives, spear
points, scrapers and many other interesting materials. Bill Light will
demonstrate this useful art form using ancient techniques and more
modern ones. Various types of rocks (chert, flint, etc.) will be
described and shown. Depending on the size of the audience, you might
get the opportunity to knock off a few chips and create a remarkably
sharp tool. This FREE program will occur at Shawnee Prairie
Preserve (4267 State Route 502 West) and pre-registration is
required. You can pre-register by calling the Nature Center at
937.548.0165. Visit our website at www.darkecountyparks.org for
information about all of our upcoming programs.