participate in Kroger Community Rewards program
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Shelby and Darke county has recently joined
the Kroger Community Rewards program. We are asking each of you to go
to www.krogercommunityrewards.com and register your card
there. Once you are registered you can pick an organization, please
pick Big Brothers Big Sisters of Shelby & Darke County. You can
type in the name of the agency (Big Brothers Big Sisters of
Shelby and Darke county) or look it up by the ID number which is 47359.
Every time you use your card at Kroger’s, BBBS will automatically start
earning points. Kroger’s will pay up to $1,000 on a quarterly basis to
participating organizations based on their percentage of spending as it
relates to total spending of all participating Kroger community rewards
organizations. This is a great way to help raise money for BBBS without
having to pay an extra amount!
If you have any questions please respond to this email or call the
office at 937-492-7611.
Happy Holidays!
BBBS Staff