West Ohio Agronomy Day to be held Jan. 12
Registration will begin at 8:00 a.m.; breakfast sandwiches, donuts,
orange juice, and coffee will be available. A Grain Market update
from Jerry Meyer (Cargill) and John Leighty (Trupointe) will be held at
8:30 a.m. The programs dealing with Private Pesticide Applicator
Recertification Credits for farmers, Continuing Education Units for
Certified Crop Advisors, and Fertilizer Certification Training for
those with Pesticide Applicator Licenses then begin at 9:00 a.m.
Once again, Purdue’s Dr. Fred Whitford (AKA “Fred from Purdue”) will be
with us, this time talking about “Adjuvants and the Power of the Water
Droplet.” This year’s line-up will also see Dr. Andy Michel from
OSU talking about “Insects in Soybeans and Corn – What, When,
Controls;” OSU’s Soil Scientist Dr. Steve Culman presenting on “Soils,
Soil Testing, Interpreting a Soil Test; How Phosphorus Reacts in the
Soil;” and OSU Corn Specialist Dr. Peter Thomison talking about
“Corn: An Overview of Crop Inputs and their Relative Importance.”
Additional topics to be addressed include weed management, fumigation,
managing pests of livestock and forages, and on-farm solar energy
development. Private Pesticide Recertification Credits are
available in CORE and Categories 1, 2, and 6. Up to five (5) CCA
credits are also available.
The same program/same categories (except for the solar energy
discussion) will be held that evening beginning at 5:30p for those not
able to attend during the day. A light supper and the marketing
update begin at 5p.
Farmers who want to recertify their private pesticide applicator’s
license should go online at http://pested.osu.edu either to register
with a credit card or to download the form to pay by check. Forms may
also be picked up at any Ohio Extension office. If not registered
online, the completed form can be submitted with the $35 fee on January
12. However, pre-registration is needed by January 2nd in order
to ensure enough food.
For those just wanting to attend for the information (and the
fellowship!), the cost is $10 if signed up by January 2nd, to be paid
at the door on January 12 ($15 for “walk-ins”). A single call to
937-498-7239 or email to brown.1522@.osu.edu saves you Five Bucks!