Blue Jays for
September Park P.A.L.S.
Darke County Parks invites children in grades K-2 to join them for
their September Park P.A.L.S. program on Saturday, September 5th from
9:30am to noon. P.A.L.S. stands for “practicing and learning
stewardship.” The program’s mission is to develop future earth stewards
through meaningful educational opportunities and hands-on experiences
in the natural world. The September program will feature Blue Jays. The
students will hit the trails at Shawnee Prairie Preserve located west
of Greenville on St. Rt. 502 and look for this large songbird which is
commonly seen at the Park’s feeders. The Blue Jay is known for its
perky crest and noisy calls. By the end of class, the students will be
Blue Jay experts. A fee of $3 is charged for the program, and
preregistration is required. For any questions about the Park P.A.L.S.
program or any other Park District programs or to register for the
September class, please call 548-0165.