Park volunteer turned park maintenance man, Wayne Nichols skims the
foam off the bubbling sap.
DCP Offers
Maple Sugaring School Program
Darke County Parks would like to extend another invitation to teachers
for the 2015-2016 school year to get your students outside! Their
curriculum based school programs are a great resource that all teachers
are encouraged to take advantage of.
From February 16th through the 25th, Darke County Parks will be
offering their favorite seasonal school program: Nature’s Sweet Treat!
This program allows students to observe the process of turning sap into
the sweetest of nature’s treats, maple syrup! Topics will cover the
science behind maple syrup as well as the rich cultural history of
maple sugaring. Students will have the option of trying some maple
sugar and fresh maple syrup at the end of the program as well. The
program will last for one hour, and classes are welcome to eat their
packed lunch before or after the program. Pre-registration is required,
so please call the Nature Center, and ask to speak with Robb Clifford.
All field trips are now provided at no cost for all Darke County
The naturalists at the Darke County Parks District are excited to also
offer a whole sundry of other programs. All the programs meet the newly
revised state science standards and can be an excellent complement to
classroom studies. Some of the topics offered are life cycles, plants,
habitats, geology, natural resources, and more! Students don’t just
learn about natural history. Several schools explore Darke County’s
rich cultural history through tours and demonstrations in the Anthony
Wayne Peace Council House and the Log House at Shawnee Prairie
Preserve. If squeezing in a field trip is not an easy option, the
naturalists can bring a program into your classroom. These are only a
fraction of the programs the Darke County Parks staff has to offer.
Naturalists can tailor a program to your students’ specific
needs. Please give the Nature Center a call at (937) 548-0165 or
visit the website at www.darkecountyparks.org for a full list of
upcoming events for winter and more information on all of the programs
Darke County Parks provides!