New welding
class to begin Feb. 17
Darke County Workforce Development and the Greenville CTEC have
announced that their next welding class will begin on February 17,
2015. The course is a part of the adult workforce program launched
jointly by the two entities, with its curriculum developed in
conjunction with local manufacturers such as Midmark and Norcold.
The course runs for 8 weeks (Tuesday through Thursday) for a total of
80 hours. Class hours are from 5:00 – 8:40 pm. The
curriculum includes one day of classroom instruction and two days of
“hands on” lab per week.
The course provides a broad exposure to basic welding techniques and is
designed for those seeking a new career in welding or manufacturing in
general. Marc Saluk, Darke County Economic Development Director,
points out that “welding is both a high demand and high wage
career. We continually receive requests from Darke County
companies in need of people with such skills.”
Instructor Richard Haney has experience in both manufacturing and
industrial training. Mr. Haney is able to provide individualized
instruction in the lab and can customize training to suit the needs of
specific companies.
The cost of the course is $1,100, which includes equipment and
materials. Financial assistance may be available for qualified
students. Job placement assistance is available for all graduates.
To register or for more information, contact: Jon Heffner 937-658-3641
or jeheffner@earthlink.net (preferred)