Shelby County
Vets to DC Planning 11th Trip
September 18-20, 2015
Attention: Shelby County Vets of WW II, Korea, Vietnam/Vietnam Era. If
you have not yet visited your memorial in Washington, DC, we want you
to send in your application . . . NOW. The July 31 cutoff date is
quickly approaching. We have room for some more of our vets.
What’s in it for you?
Three days to relax and enjoy the comradery of fellow vets, family,
friends, and new friends. Our three-day excursion includes a leisurely
trip to Virginia where you’ll be treated as the honored guests that you
are: transportation, meals, accommodations, and admissions.
An exciting day in Washington begins with a wreath-laying ceremony and
changing of the guard at Arlington National Cemetery and continues
through the day with Iwo Jima, Vietnam, Korea, WW II, and Navy
memorials. Back in Virginia, we wind down over an excellent meal,
followed by an evening to rethink and remember this special day.
Returning home on the third day, there are things to do on the buses to
make the time melt as we head northwest; lots of laughter and naps, we
want our vets, caregivers, and volunteers to arrive refreshed and
Not convinced? Ask a buddy that has participated on one of our trips;
it’s all about you. I have not talked to one person that was
disappointed, only that they hadn’t gone earlier.
We’d like to see you go with us. For Applications Forms (Vet and
Caregiver): http://shelbycountyvetstodc.blogspot.com/.
Duane Mullen, Volunteer