2015 Railroad
The Bradford Ohio Railroad Museum is announcing the 2015 Railroad
Festival June 13, 2013.
The day celebrates 130 years of Railroad history at the junction.
Activities include something for every age group. Children’s Activities
include over 12 different games. There will be balloons, coal toss, Pin
the number on Thomas, Ring Toss, Kiddie Train Ride.
Adults will get to watch train movies, Slide presentations, &
railroad artifacts. Telegraph School is throughout the day at the Tower
and the Depot in the museum.
There will be a bid and buy of themed gift baskets. The gift Shop will
be open with Cat’s Meow’s of the Railroad Structures, boxcars, books
and children’s items.
The hours are 10 am- 4 pm. Tickets for the day’s events and games will
be through the museum at 200 N Miami Avenue Bradford, Ohio 45308.
Follow us on the website and at our facebook page.
Admission is $5 for adults Children are free with their accompanying