Linda is seen left with Librarian Kaley Breaden.
American Sign
Language Classes at Library
The Greenville Public Library is proud to host a free course in
American Sign Language taught by interpreter Linda Crawford. The
first class is Wednesday June 10th from 6:00 to 7:30. Classes
continue for eight Wednesdays ending on July 29th. To register
please call the Library at 548-3915 or call Linda directly at 423-0402.
The only cost will be $15 for a book and other materials a participant
will most likely wish to have. Linda will teach basic
conversation and provide an understanding of the history and culture of
the deaf community.
Linda has been an interpreter for 30 years. She traveled with a
missionary group over the US and Belize for seven years using music and
dance to spread the gospel and to start deaf schools. The group
consisted of both deaf and hearing. Linda is a singer who did the
singing and voicing for the dramas.
Originally from Rochester NY, she met her husband - who is from
Greenville - on her last tour. They became foster parents and have a
son and grandchildren.
Linda interprets for EUM Church, TriVillage, Franklin Monroe, Arcanum,
and Greenville schools. She is also associated with Community
Services for the Deaf in Dayton and is EIPA certified. Don’t miss
this great opportunity.