Early Morning
Discovery Hike Winter Time Change
The Darke County Park District invites the public to join them every
Tuesday morning at the winter start time of 9am at Shawnee Prairie
Preserve for their Early Morning Discovery Hikes. These hikes allow
adults a chance to watch the seasons change and to discover the many
life forms in their own backyard. Invigorating winter morning air make
this a great time to enjoy and learn about nature. These walks focus on
bird watching, tree identification, winter animal tracks, and much
more. Attendees are asked to bring a pair of binoculars if possible;
otherwise some are available for loan. Remember to dress for the
weather. Hikes will be held no matter the weather. If you have any
questions about the Early Morning Discovery Hikes or any other program
offered by the Park District, please call the Nature Center at (937)
548-0165 or visit the website at www.darkecountyparks.org.