camped at the confluence of Greenville and Mud creeks
protesting the Treaty of Greenville.
That point of land has therefore
become known as Tecumseh Point.
History Hike
for September Jr. Naturalists
Darke County Parks invites students in grades 3-6 to join them for the
September Jr. Naturalists program on Saturday, September 10th from
9:30am to 12pm at Prairie Ridge Meadow near the Garst Museum in
Greenville. Every corner of this county is bursting with history, and
the parks are no exception. Students will check out Prairie Ridge
Meadow and Tecumseh Point discovering why it is important not only in
the county’s history but also in the nation’s history.
The Jr. Naturalists program is a series of monthly programs designed to
give students a hands-on introduction to natural resource management.
Hikes, work projects, and independent study are all part of this
fun-filled nature study club. A fee of $3 is charged for the program,
and preregistration is required. For any questions about the Jr.
Naturalists program or any other park district programs or to register
for the September class, please call the park office at (937) 548-0165
or email info@darkecountyparks.org.