League of Women Voters
Amber Garrett
to speak on Broadway activities
Why is Broadway the place to be on First Fridays in Greenville? At
their annual membership party on Monday, August 15th, League of Women
Voters members and guests will hear Amber Garrett describe
the myriad activities and entertainment happening on Broadway.
Those innovative happenings are a part of the new vitality we are
seeing in our downtown and Amber Garrett, Director of Main Street
Greenville, has been instrumental in that new energy. The evemt
will be in the home of Shirla Neff, 291 Hickory Drive, Greenville.
The League of Women Voters is a non-partisan political organization
which encourages the informed and active participation of citizens in
government policy issues. They study issues to inform themselves
and the public. In mid October , they will hold a Candidates Night so
their fellow citizens can meet those who are running for election in
The August 15th party is a chance for interested persons to meet the
members and find out more about the League as well as learn about how
citizens can fit into to the programs of Main Street Greenville..
Anyone interested in the League’s role in community education is
welcome to attend the party. For more information, call