senior scribes

Darke County Parks
Greetings dedicated volunteers!
Kathi McQueen

I am excited to be starting at Darke County Parks during maple sugar season! I hope that many of you are able to help with the upcoming waffle breakfast and Maple Sugarin’ event on March 5.  Listed below are the various slots that will need filled, as well a list of items we needed donated.  If you want to help, you can contact me at 937-548-0165, email me your preference or stop by the Nature Center.  There are sign up lists on clipboards on my desk behind the receptionist.  Thank you so much for your service and I hope to see you soon!
Maple Sugarin’ Day 2016
Join us at Shawnee Prairie on Saturday, March 5th (8am-4pm) and assist with the festival.

Sugar Shack - boiling sap, maintaining fire, bottle maple syrup
6am – 10am  3 people needed
10am – 2pm  3 people needed
2pm – 6pm    2 people needed  
Log House - welcome the public, serve beverages/maple snacks, maintain fire
** Please wear Period Attire** (Don’t have any? Borrow some from the Park District!)
8am – 12:30pm   3 people needed
12:30pm – 4pm   3 people needed
Blacksmith Shop – welcome public, maintain fire
** Please wear Period Attire** (Don’t have any? Borrow some from the Park District!)
8am – 12:30pm   3 people needed
12:30pm – 4pm   3 people needed
Nature Center – bake sale, gift shop/reception desk
7:30am – 12:30pm  Covered, thank you!
12:30pm – 5pm       2 people needed
Waffle and Sausage Breakfast
Saturday, March 5th, 8AM-12PM

**Volunteer shifts are 7AM-1PM**
If you can’t assist with entire shift, please let me know and we can work out a time for you to help.
50/50 Raffle   1 person needed
Ticket Collectors  2 people needed
Sausage Workers  4 people needed
Waffle Workers   7 people needed
Food Runners   2 people needed
Servers Main   2 people needed
Servers Take Out  1 person needed
Beverages (Coffee, Milk, Orange Juice)   2 people needed
Dining room (cleaning tables & refilling maple syrup)  7 people needed
Washing dishes/ silverware  2 people needed
Floaters (assist where needed)   2 people needed
Clean Up Crew – We are also in need of a 6-10 volunteers to help with clean-up. Please plan on arriving at 11AM and help until around 1PM.  Duties include, but are not limited to, assisting with the tail end of the breakfast, wiping down tables, putting away tables and chairs, and making sure all breakfast appliances are cleaned.
~ Please wear your volunteer t-shirt and a ball cap if you are assisting with the Breakfast. ~
Bake Sale Items
Please consider donating a maple syrup, maple flavor or maple sugar item to for our bake sale.  Please drop off all Bake Sale items by 1PM on Friday, March 4th.
*All items donated for the bake sale need to be labeled with a name and all ingredients used.*
We are currently looking for volunteers to donate 40 one gallon jugs of water to use for mixing waffle batter at the breakfast.  These jugs can be dropped off at the nature center during open hours.  Thank you!

Can we borrow your….the following items are needed for the waffle breakfast.  Please let me know if you are able to lend something.  Thank you!
Large Roasters – 2 needed
Coolers (Large)  - 2 needed
*Please put your name on the item before lending
Waffle and Sausage Breakfast Set-Up
We will be setting up for the Breakfast on Friday, March 4th at 1PM. If you are able to help please let me know!
Waffle and Sausage Breakfast Flyers can be picked up at the Nature Center, Reception Desk to be posted around town and at local businesses.  If you plan on picking some up, please let us know how many you need ahead of time and we will have them ready for you.
Thank you,
Kathi McQueen
Volunteer Coordinator/Naturalist

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