Stephen Winner, and COTA Tammy Moyar
Versailles Health Care Center
VHCC to offer
NeuroConnect for survivors of stroke and brain injury
Versailles Health Care Center is pleased to invite you to an event for
survivors of stroke and brain injury and their families.
NeuroConnect meets to connect survivors and their families with
positive support and beneficial resources. Sessions will be led
by Dr. Stephen Winner, Facility Rehab Director and Physical Therapist,
and Tammy Moyar, Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant.
The next NeuroConnect will be held on Thursday, February 18, 2016 at 4
p.m. It will be held at Versailles Health Care Center. The
guest speaker will be Give Medical Ministry of Covington, Ohio.
Give provides durable medical equipment to people in need through
donations and volunteers. This is a FREE meeting for survivors of
stroke and brain injury and their families. Light snacks and
beverages will be provided.
To RSVP or for more information, please call Stephen at 937.526.0130.