Device Classes at Library
Greenville Public Library is offering Device Classes that will provide
basic information, helpful answers to common questions, useful
web-links, and some tech tips to keep your device running like
new. You'll learn how to download apps and to set up an email
account. If you have specific questions, please email them
to teacher Warren Richards ahead of time so he can add them to the
class at warren@greenville-publiclibrary.org.
Classes are scheduled from 1:00 - 3:00 pm in the Library's upstairs
meeting room. Each has a cap of five people since there will be a
lot of one on one teaching and help. They take place on the
following Fridays in February: 5th - Kindle E-readers (Kindle and
Paperwhite); 12th - Kindle Fire (all "Fire" series); 19th - iPad and
iPhone; 26th – Android. Please call 548-3915 or stop in the
Library to sign up!