Ohio Department of Education
With your
input, Ohio education can improve
Please complete this survey to create more ways for Ohio students to
get high-quality training and skills.
The Ohio Department of Education believes every young person deserves a
pathway to economic success. That is why we are pursuing a grant from
the Council of Chief State School Officers, the National Association of
State Directors of Career Technical Education Consortium and JP Morgan
Chase. The three-year grant would allow our state to expand and improve
career-focused education that prepares students for high-skill and
high-wage jobs.
To prepare for the grant application, the department is conducting a
survey to gather information from citizens throughout Ohio, including
educators, parents, students, businesses and community organizations.
We want to learn about the quality of and access to career preparation
resources currently available in schools. This includes next steps
needed for building programs, courses or other experiences that support
career-ready students.
The department will use the information from the survey to create the
grant proposal on how Ohio will increase pathways for students to get
the training and skills they need to compete for jobs.
We encourage you to participate in the survey and to share it with your
family, friends and community. Thank you for helping us in this effort.
For the New Skills for Youth survey, click here.