of hills, wind, avoiding puddles, people, and obstacles,
walking outdoors burns
more calories than walking on a treadmill.
Naturally Fit
Series with DCP
Darke County Parks is hosting a series of fitness programs called
Naturally Fit occurring the fourth Monday of every month. Everyone
wants to lead healthier lives and spend more time outdoors. However,
workout machines aren’t always environmentally friendly, and gyms
aren’t very exciting. Besides, sometimes life just gets in the way! Use
these programs as an “excuse” to schedule time outside and get moving.
Each of these programs focuses more on fitness than nature, with
everyone moving at their own pace, whether that’s one loop or ten. The
September program will take place September 26th at 4:30pm at Worth
Family Nature Preserve which has 1.2 miles of loop trail through woods
and along Greenville Creek. The park is located on Spring Hill Rd. 2.5
miles north of State Route 502 West. Meet there, and don’t forget to
bring a water bottle.