It can take up to 1,000 years for a plastic bottle to biodegrade.
Love to Recycle
at February Park P.A.L.S.
Darke County Park District invites children in kindergarten through 2nd
grade to join them on February 11th from 10am to 12pm at the Shawnee
Prairie Nature Center to explore recycling during Park P.A.L.S! Fall
head over heels with saving the environment! Explore how recycling
works and ways you can reduce the amount you throw away. We will also
learn how to reuse discarded items to make a cool craft.
Park P.A.L.S. is a series of monthly programs designed for students of
this age group who are interested in nature. P.A.L.S. stands for
Practicing And Learning Stewardship, and its mission is to develop
future earth stewards through meaningful educational opportunities and
hands-on experiences in the natural world. A fee of $3 is charged for
the program, and registration is required. For any questions about the
Park P.A.L.S. program or any other park district programs or to
register for the February class, please call the Nature Center at (937)