Box Turtles get their name from their shell which has a hinge, enabling
it to close
completely, protecting the turtle from predators.
Darke County Parks
Meet the Animal
Ambassadors at DCP
From the tiny brown snake to the Great Horned Owl, Darke County Parks
have many species waiting to meet you! Join a naturalist on Saturday,
February 11th at 2pm to visit with the animals. Learn why these animals
live at the Nature Center and what it takes to care for them on a daily
basis. Find out why each is an important part of the ecosystem and how
you can help keep them safe. Bring a friend and prepare to have an
up-close encounter as you see (and possibly touch!) some of the most
amazing native animals that call Darke County home. Remember to call
the Nature Center for more information or to register for this free
program at (937) 548-0165.