Craft Beer
Class at Library
As temperatures soar in the summer, even die-hard craft beer drinkers
start rethinking their heavy imperial stouts and other high alcohol
brews and reaching for lighter beers. Beers that are low in
alcohol and more suited to sweltering summer days don't have to be low
in flavor though. You can drink light, refreshing beer without
sacrificing quality and complexity.
On Thursday, June 8 and Thursday, July 6, at 6:30 p.m. each night,
Greenville Public Library's Craft Beer Education Series will take a
look at a variety of summer seasonal beer styles that are unique and
interesting while still being easy to drink in hot weather. The Craft
Beer Education Series is lead by Certified Cicerone David Nilsen. David
will guide attendees through a tasting of five beer styles, explaining
the history and unique ingredients and brewing process of each.
Craft Beer Education Series classes are free, but seats are limited and
registration is required. Please call Greenville Public Library at
937-548-3915 to reserve your seat. We hope to see you there!