Left to right are Shari Wolf, Steve and Dot Thornburg, Don Thompson,
Joyce Harrison, and Mary Pipenger.
PERI Christmas
PERI will be traveling back to the good ole days when the
"Country Strings Band" performs at their Christmas luncheon on Monday,
December 4, 11:30 a.m. at the VFW on Ohio Street,
Greenville. Lead by PERI member, Joyce Harrison, the band will
enliven the Christmas Spirit with the toe tapping tunes of dulcimers
and songs, fun and surprises that are planned to revive memories of
holidays past but not forgotten. The group has been playing
together for over fifteen years.
In addition to food, entertainment, surprises and fun, John DiPietro,
who is the Representative of District Three, which includes eight PERI
counties, including Darke, will be the guest speaker. He has been
working closely with Steve Toth, who is a member of the Ohio Public
Employees (OPERS) Board of Trustees. Both men have been
instrumental in fighting the loss of COLA benefits, which was recently
approved by OPERS but has as yet to be implemented. DiPietro will
bring PERI members and other OPERS retirees up-to-date on the most
recent efforts that are being done to stop the loss of their COLAS as
well as other critical issues of which they need to be aware.
Open to PERI members, their guests, and Ohio Public Employee retirees
who are eligible for membership, reservations for the luncheon meeting
must be in no later than Wednesday, November 29 by calling Vivian
Nieport, Attendance and Contact Chairman, at (937) 548-3961. PERI
Members will be contacted as usual by the PERI calling committee.
While this meeting has been planned to be entertaining and fun, it is
also an important and informative meeting that remains true to the PERI
Mission of protecting and preserving OPERS pension funds and benefit
programs that are in the best interest of all PERI members and OPERS
eligible members.