Wellness Lunch & Learn
Starting the New Year with health related goals and resolutions? Jordan
Francis will share how to bring the physical, mental, and nutritional
aspects of your fitness plan together with the aptly named talk
“Bringing it All Together.” Jordan will be sharing great health and
wellness information for beginners and veterans alike, and also allow
time for questions afterwards.
Greenville Public Library is proud to partner with Wayne HealthCare for
Lunch and Learn. Space is limited to 20 participants; if you would like
lunch, pre-registration is helpful. The boxed lunch costs $5.00,
provided by the Coffee Pot, and will include a wrap, fruit, a salad or
soup, and a beverage. Or bring your own lunch or come just for the
program! To register, call the Library 548-3915. The event will
be on January 17th from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm.