BORM Heritage
Festival set for June 2
The Bradford Ohio Railroad Museum's annual Railroad Heritage Festival
will be held June 2, the first Saturday in June at Bradford, Ohio from
10 am- 4 pm.
There will be historical exhibits at the BF Tower and the Museum
Exhibit Hall. The exhibits at the museum won Best Exhibit in Ohio
from the Ohio Museum Association April 15, 2018 in a category of
museums with a budget less than $500,000. The exhibits tell the story
from a trade position point of view.
There will be train related crafts and Games, train rides on the
Carillon Portable train and a Children's Thomas the Tank ride and Play
area. There will also be N and Garden Gauge layouts, Blacksmiths, and a
Veteran's History in a Box display.
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To download a flyer and see additional information, click here