File photo from Empowering Darke County Youth’s 2017-18 After School
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Empowering at June First Friday
GREENVILLE - Empowering Darke County Youth will be at the Main Street
Greenville’s First Friday event, June 1. Its purpose will be to educate
parents on what Empowering does, its successes over the past two years,
enroll students who could use some help this summer and let adults know
how they can help.
Supervisor/tutors will be on hand to answer questions and explain the
free summer programs available for Darke County youth. There will be
games and prizes for children of all ages.
Since its inception in March 2016 Empowering programs have resulted in
over 7,300 contact hours for more than 300 students. Grade levels have
ranged from kindergarten through eighth. The free Empowering Summer
Tutoring program is open to all Darke County students, K-12. Students
are being enrolled almost daily, but there is still room at Edison and
some Library time slots.
Stop by and talk to us! We’d love to hear from you, find out your needs
and see how we can help… and maybe give you an opportunity to help if
you can. Our kids are Darke County’s future!
The Empowering Mission: Empowering Darke County Youth is a United Way
Partner Agency providing After School and Summer Tutoring programs to
assist students in the areas of language arts and math with the goal of
Strong Students for a Strong Community.