Garst Museum
"The First
Toolmakers: Native Americans of the Miami Valley"
The Garst Museum Speakers Series returns on Sunday, October 14 at 2:00
P.M. Kathy Creighton, Executive Director of the Butler County
Historical Society, will be giving a program "The First Toolmakers:
Native Americans of the Miami Valley." Kathy will be discussing
the area's Native Americans and the tools they made from stone.
In addition, the members of the Stillwater Chapter of the Archeology
Society of Ohio will be exhibiting their collections.
Native American stone tools are durable artifacts surviving from the
end of the last glacial period about 12,500 years ago. Stone Age
technology and tools saw everyday use until the arrival of the European
colonists in the 1500s. Flint-knapping techniques of chipping and
flaking the brittle stone evolved from the earliest crude tools into
sophisticated and finely manufactured artifacts. Pecking and grinding
of hard granite provided long-lasting tools and stone implements. Each
culture living in a particular time period had constraints on the shape
of its tools, as if they were copied from a template. Other significant
features of stone tools will be discussed to help identify what time
period and culture may have used them.
All Garst lectures are free and open to the public. However,
regular admission will apply to tour the museum which includes the
outstanding National Annie Oakley Center, Crossroads of Destiny, Lowell
Thomas exhibit, and Longtown display. Funding for this program
was made possible, in part, by the Harry D. Stephens Memorial
Photo: Examples of arrowheads commonly found in Darke County
The Garst Museum is located at:
205 N. Broadway, Greenville, OH 45331
website: www.garstmuseum.org
email: information@garstmuseum.org