Family Events at Library this week
The Greenville Public Library has two free, family-friendly events
slated for the first week of June. Crowd-favorite Mike Hemmelgarn
will perform Wednesday June 5 at 11:00 for Family Fun Day. Bring
blankets or lawn chairs and enjoy the show on the lawn. In case
of rain we'll meet at the First Congregational Christian Church
Activity Building on Fifth Street.
The join us Saturday June 8 at 10:00 on the lawn to learn about an
organization called All SAR K-9’s (Search and Rescue Canines). It
was formed to assist first responders in locating lost or missing
persons. These dogs are trained to do so by following a specific
scent that varies with each individual, even identical
twins. Meet these courageous dogs and hear about what they
do. In case of rain we'll meet inside.