Beginner Birdwatching Program hosted by DCP
Local birder, Cindy Ploch, will present a free, public program at
Shawnee Prairie Preserve nature center on Thursday, October 3rd at 6:30
pm. Cindy has lived in Wayne Lakes for over 30 years and has travelled
all over Ohio birdwatching. The 18 bodies of water of Wayne Lakes
provide habitat for a plethora of bird species, making it a great place
to observe and hone in your birding skills.
The program, called “Birdwatching for Beginners: Birds of Wayne Lakes”,
will explore topics such as; why people watch birds, 7 things you
should consider when identifying birds, comparisons of common and
not-so-common birds, and resources available to become a better
birdwatcher. Learn how to identify birds using silhouette, field marks,
flight characteristics and habitat.
Cindy will also present many beautiful photos of the birds of Wayne
Lakes. A portion of the program will be devoted to citizen science and
how you can be an integral part in bird conservation. Reservations are
required for this free family program and can be made by calling the
Nature Center at 937-548-0165 or online at