county news online
Columbus follow-up


This is a brief follow-up to the article about a trip to Columbus on Thursday February 17, 2011.

The number of protesting individuals at the State Capital in Wisconsin and in Columbus has increased my attention on a daily basis because the numbers seem to be increasing also on a daily basis. The single bus load of west central Ohio folks that are supporters of Ohio Senate Bill 5 cost something over $1200.00 when food, police ticket and basic bus costs are added together. The actual total cost is significantly higher when a day’s wages or salary for each working person is considered. Yes, there were many retired folks but many retired folks also work to make ends meet.

On Tuesday February 22, 2011, the number of protesters was estimated to be 5000 in Columbus, Ohio. I do not know the number of supporters for SB 5 but based on the Dayton Daily News report, there were anti SB 5 teachers, firemen, policemen and other government workers responding to now ex governor Strickland.

My quandary is 1. Who paid for the many buses?  2. Were the firemen and policemen simply off shift? 3. Did the teachers take vacation days? Or 4. Did the teachers take sick days and have Doctors sign excuses similar to the excuses issued in Madison Wisconsin?
The taxpayers fund the schools. The taxpayers paying a teacher for a sick day is an integral part of their Labor Agreement. If a teacher obtains a false/not valid excuse from a Doctor and receives money as a result, is this fraud? Or obtaining taxpayer funds illegally - which is the same as stealing??

It would be nice to have supporter of Senate Bill 5 have the funds to go daily to Columbus to make sure that our Senators and Representatives know that this Bill is vital to at least the Darke County seven schools in the next few years. Why aren’t we there every day – just like the opposition – the working people/taxpayers CANNOT afford it.

Al Bliss

senior scribes

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