county news online
We deserve what we get


During the last five years or so I’ve really been ticked off at my Republican party. George Bush turned out to be a big spending closet liberal. In my opinion Robert Taft was the dumbest Governor in my lifetime. The state Republican Party only gave us recycled retreads to vote for year after year.

Here in the county we had three financial fools in the Commissioners office trying to bankrupt us by building a new courthouse we have no real need for.

Then came the November elections. I couldn’t believe it. The majority of the country felt the same way I did. Stop wasting our taxpayer dollars.

It was a great day for me when I saw John Boehner take the gavel from Nancy Pelosi and park her airplane. During all these years of my discontentment the one politician I never lost faith in was Boehner.


Not just yet. I couldn’t believe my eyes. I saw the Republicans in Washington reward Hal Rogers the Prince of Pork with the Chairmanship of the Ways and Means Committee. That old porker has been a burr under my saddle for 20 years. I know Hal Rogers personally. His congressional district includes two counties in Kentucky where I have a substantial investment in land and energy.

There isn’t enough room here to tell you what this man has done to the taxpayers since he was first elected in 1981, so I’ll give you a run down for 2008 and 2009.

In 2008 he squandered $76 million on earmarks. He ranked 26th out of 435 congressmen in spending. In 2009 he spent $98.9 million on 32 earmarks. He ranked 10th out of 435. He cosponsored 37 other earmarks that came to a total of $246 million. This is the man the Republicans chose to handle our money.

I’ll mention a few of Hal Rogers’s projects that drove me ballistic. He built a highway to nowhere. Of course it’s called the Hal Rogers Parkway. He decided that everyone in his district should have a septic system. Every hillbilly in eastern Kentucky that owned a backhoe went into the septic tank business. They dug holes, put in the tank, collected their money and went on to the next one. Since they didn’t know what they were doing, they left a terrible mess. The locals call these places Hal Rogers poop farms.

Hal Rogers decided the mountain people needed city water. Since they all had wells and didn’t want to pay for city water not many people used the water line. Actually he should have known you can’t make good whiskey with city water.

The earmark that ruined my family reunion, Hal Rogers built a $27 million airport on top of a mountain strip mine. The locals call it the USS Hazard. That’s because it has a landing strip the size of an aircraft carrier and is just as hard to land on. No traffic. No business. We pay. Oh yes, my family reunion. One of my parasitic cousins took exception to my bad mouthing Hal Rogers. After the dust settled I suggested that maybe Mr. Rogers could get him an earmark to fix his nose.

Folks for 20 years I’ve watched what just one selfish man can do to our country. Think how many men and women have to get up every day, pack a lunch and go to work. Some people have to work like an Alaskan sled dog for their money. How many man-hours out of people’s lives has this one old porker taken? Think what this money could have done if it had been spent responsibly. As Republicans we still have a long way to go.

Here in the county we elected another Republican Commissioner that wants to build a new courthouse.

We deserve what we get. Hell I’m going to go get drunk. Be back when I sober up.

Don Wright

senior scribes

County News Online

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