June 23, 2011
To: All Darke County Voters/Taxpayers/Homeowners and
County Commissioners
Subject: Transfer Tax/Conveyance Fee
Reference: Monday June 20, 2011 Darke County Commissioner’s
An improved name for the subject Tax/Fee has been suggested and will be
used subsequently. The appropriate name [my opinion] is the STEALTH
TAX. The reason that this is meaningful is that to date, no one asked
has any idea that this tax even exists. So STEALTH TAX it is.
The comprehensive report by Bob Robinson in the County News Online was
detailed and professionally done. Kudos to Bob for a job well done.
It seems that a question regarding a process (evidently acceptable)
should be asked knowing that the elected County Commissioners are
considering increasing taxpayer funds to an organization (County
Improvement Committee-CIC) for use as directed by the CIC Directors.
The County Commissioners happen to be Directors of the CIC. The 50%
increase proposed is only about $100,000.00 to $150.000.00 to be used
for Economic Development – BUT this is money out of anyone’s pocket
that decides and is lucky enough to sell their home.
Another question just might be, why, if Indiana is attracting business
by lowering taxes, does it make sense for Darke County to raise taxes??
A comment was made that most of the other counties in Ohio have a
higher tax/fee than Darke County, so we should raise ours to be like
the other counties. If the goal is to attract businesses to Darke
County, an example of lower taxes here should be a positive incentive
for new business.
The value of an effective Economic Development Program should be self
evident. Everyone in our County should be willing to support Marc
Saluk’s dynamic efforts. The financial support should be on an
individual basis and not an increase in a STEALTH TAX.
Al Bliss