county news online

Aug. 1, 2013
Vote YES and Save
Julie Lavy Strait 


Voting Yes for the school bond levy on August 6 is your best opportunity to minimize your personal tax cost of building a new school and renovating the High School. We all know that our schools are in need of replacement, and if we don’t take voluntary action now we may soon be forced into action by an unfortunate catastrophe or by the State declaring our buildings unsafe. If a tax is imposed at that point in time, it could be up to 56% higher than if we choose to bite the bullet now. 

Yes, your vote for a new school on August 6 will increase the tax burden by $174.26 per year for the owner of a $100,000 property.  But the $174.26 is based on: 

1) Current interest rates that will almost certainly increase in the future, 

2) Construction costs which are at a relatively low level, 

3) The state offering to pay 43% of the new building cost for a savings of $74.93 per year on a $100,000 property, and 

4) Taking advantage of our final opportunity to keep the 12.5% Homestead Rollback savings on our current property tax bills. 

You can choose to vote Yes now, and build a new school at the lowest cost by taking advantage of the above 4 savings opportunities that are built into this bond issue, or wait and make everyone pay a much higher tax bill in the future.  I don’t know about you, but I do not want to pay any more taxes than I have to, so please, let’s take advantage of this opportunity! 

This is not the time to hold onto past hurts and disappointments, this is truly a ‘Pay Now or Pay Later’ situation.  Maintenance costs are continuing to escalate due to the age of the current buildings.  At some point in the not-too-distant future we are going to be forced into building new schools, and you can count on the tax cost at that point in time being significantly higher than it is now.  Please do yourself and our community a favor and vote YES for the August 6 bond issue and maintenance levy. In the long run, it will save you money. 

Julie Lavy Strait


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