county news online

October 24, 2013
Vote for Ernst
Mike Stegall


For at least 10 years, I have heard people of the Greenville School District say they wanted a new school board. “The same people keep running and getting elected”, was the lament. This year, people can get their wish. This year, there are 5 people running for 3 positions on the School Board, 2 incumbents, and 3 new faces. If the people want new people on the board, this is your chance. The decision is ours. I think all of the people running have their hearts in it and will do their best. However, if a clean sweep and a new beginning is what we all want, this is the chance.

I would like to take this opportunity to endorse Dave Ernst for one of the open positions.

Dave is involved in many activities already that deal with the youth and school system. Dave is employed by Greenville National Bank as a consumer Loan Officer, this financial experience will serve us well with Dave on the Board. Dave is the President of the Darke County Soccer Association which oversees the North Park Program and the Select Program at the Fairgrounds. Dave is Vice- President of Main Street Greenville, and is the President of the Greenville Athletic Boosters. Dave is currently a Board member of the Greenville School Foundation. Dave did coach 8th grade basketball, but chose to give that up to run for the school board. Dave’s wife Stacy is a teacher at Woodland Heights, and he has 3 boys in the Greenville School system. As you can tell, Dave is one who is involved heavily with the school system and with the youth of Greenville. His campaign slogan of “Commitment to Excellence” is not just a slogan, it is his philosophy on how to do his job. Dave believes that if we hire good people, we should let them do their job. This means Dave will not micro-manage people. That alone will be a breath of fresh air. I hope you will join me in casting a vote for Dave Ernst for Greenville School Board.

Respectfully submitted, Mike Stegall


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