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President Obama bus tour brings out fighting mood
By Glenn Thrush

Photo: Reuters 

ROCK ISLAND, Ill. — During the debt ceiling fight in mid-July, President Barack Obama threatened to take his message “to the American people” to leverage public support for his positions on entitlements, taxes and job creation against the GOP. 

True to his word, he’s been doing just that all week, scorching a trail through three Midwestern states in a big armored black bus, raising the stakes in his running battle with congressional Republicans ahead of the looming deficit reduction fight this fall. 

Republicans have been quick to slam Obama for campaigning from behind a taxpayer-funded presidential seal, but the bulk of his most bellicose remarks have been directed toward the Hill GOP — a demand for compromise in the most confrontational way possible. 

On Monday and Tuesday, Obama repeatedly warned Republicans that they would pay the price for failing to agree to a budget compromise that included tax hikes on the rich. He told an audience in Decorah, Iowa, Monday, “When they come back in September, they’re going to have a wake-up call that says we need to move the country forward.” 

And at all of his stops, Obama has hammered House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) for “walking away” from the ambitious $4 trillion “grand bargain” that might have averted Standard & Poor’s credit downgrade this month, in hopes of pressuring the GOP into a more flexible bargaining position. 

Blaming Congress is a time-honored practice of nearly every president on the skids. But the main reason Obama is negotiating from the podium is because he’s had so little leverage at the bargaining table. 

This is a president who has always done better in front of a microphone than behind a closed congressional door. And his new stump speech, unveiled on the bus trip, bristles with references to all the terrible things that will befall lawmakers who buck the support of the public — and Obama — for high-end tax hikes and shielding most entitlements. 

“What they need to do is come to Decorah or go to Cannon Falls or meet with their constituents back home and hear the frustration and understand that people are sick and tired of the nonsense and the political games,” Obama said Monday. 

At best, this compromise-through-combat approach is a low-percentage shot, strategists in both parties said. 

The reason? First, the GOP House members he’s targeting are far more worried about a tea party challenge from their right than an angry Obama on their left. 

Read the rest of the story at Politico

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