GOP Voters Want
Presidential Candidate With Private Sector Experience
Monday, January 31, 2011
Most Republican Primary voters are looking for experience in both the
private sector and government in a potential presidential candidate.
Private sector experience carries a bit more weight. They are also
looking for someone who shares their views rather than simply picking
someone who is electable.
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 94% of
Likely GOP Primary Voters say that a candidate’s experience in the
private sector is at least somewhat important. That includes 54% who
say private sector experience is Very Important.
Additionally, 85% rate a candidate’s experience in government as at
least somewhat important to their vote, including 44% who say it’s Very
Important. But 13% view government experience as not very or not at all
Eighty-five percent (85%) of GOP Primary voters also say it’s more
important to them when voting that a candidate shares their views. Only
nine percent (9%) say they’re more likely to vote for the candidate who
has a better chance of winning.
Forty percent (40%) of likely Republican Primary voters describe
themselves as a member of the Tea Party. Among those who are Tea Party
members, private sector experience is much more important than a
background in government. Non-members regard both kinds of experience
about equally.
Last October, as Election Day approached, 50% of all voters said they
were more likely to vote for a candidate who has political experience
over one who’s never held office before, while 34% preferred a
political newcomer.But Democrats were far more likely to favor a
candidate with political experience, while a plurality of GOP voters
liked one who’d never previously held public office.
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