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GOP 2012 hopefuls on Libya: Scathing or silent
By James Hohmann

After demanding for weeks that he be more decisive on Libya, not one candidate in the field of 2012 GOP hopefuls has expressed support for President Barack Obama since he began bombing the North African nation.

The GOP’s presidential prospects either sharply criticized the commander-in-chief this weekend or avoided weighing in.

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said Sunday afternoon, “It is impossible to make sense of the standard for intervention in Libya except opportunism and news media publicity.” (See: Gingrich blasts Obama on Libya, health care)

“Iran and North Korea are vastly bigger threats. [Zimbabwe dictator Robert] Mugabe has killed more people, the Sudanese dictatorship has killed more people, there are a lot of bad dictators doing bad things,” Gingrich said in a statement to POLITICO. (See: Gingrich sees ‘opportunistic amateurism’)

Former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum said Obama waited so long that the United States “may have missed our window of opportunity.”

“Under any score, I don’t know how you could play this worse than this president has,” Santorum told POLITICO in a Sunday interview, as he took a break from yard work. “I think we’re going to be involved potentially in a very prolonged standoff, or U.N. peacekeeping, or who knows what could be involved in the long term? … The president put [us] in a very difficult situation.”

Many have said nothing at all since the strikes began Saturday, at least not in public.

When POLITICO surveyed the leading candidates Sunday to ask for comment on the president’s decision to use military force and what they would have done differently if in the White House, representatives of former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty, Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee and Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann did not respond to requests for comment. (See: U.S. fires missiles at Libyan targets)

Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour didn’t mention Libya in a long Saturday night speech to California’s Republican convention. Approached by reporters beforehand, he refused to weigh in. “Whenever our men and women are involved in military action, every American stands with them and supports them as I do,” he said. “This is not the time to critique what the administration has done or will do.” (See: Barbour: Obama all ‘happy talk’)

Perhaps these seven really are quietly rallying behind the commander-in-chief in a time of war, but a more likely explanation is that these potential candidates are waiting to see how the fluid situation develops and watching for what their main rivals say first. That silence is another reminder of the dearth of foreign policy experience among the main GOP contenders. (See: What is the Libya endgame?)

For those who did address the subject, a major complaint was that the administration waited too long to act. Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, repeatedly defended the timing on Sunday morning TV shows. (See: Mullen won’t lock in on Libya goal)...

Read the full story plus links at Politico

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