County Commissioner Diane Delaplane tells the Darke County OSU Ag
Extension’s monthly
meeting group that sales tax revenues are up
slightly, which indicates people are buying more locally.
The jobs are out there
By Bob Robinson
While not exactly rosy, the picture painted at October’s monthly Darke
County Agricultural meeting included some positives.
Commissioner Diane Delaplane, for instance, reported that sales tax
revenues were up slightly, indicating that people were buying more
locally. It helped offset the decrease in local revenues that the
county was facing.
The main topic had to do with unemployment, a factor facing Darke
Countians along with people seeking work across Ohio and the nation.
The jobs are out there.
While August unemployment nationally remained stagnant at 9.1 percent,
and Ohio’s at 8.8 percent, Darke County’s had dropped to 8.5 percent.
The jobs are there. Good paying jobs, according to comments. The
problem has to do with qualifying for those jobs.
The parameters discussed at the meeting were: 1. Pass a drug test. 2.
Show up to work. 3. Have a good attitude. And 4. “You have to work!”
It was noted that many employers require a G.E.D. Also, and this was
said to be a problem in Darke County, most employers require
prospective employees to pass an eighth grade reading test… the average
in Darke County is sixth grade.
There are few jobs for college graduates, but plenty of jobs in trade
fields locally and throughout the Miami Valley. In North Dakota, it was
noted that there are 18,000 jobs that employers can’t fill because they
need skilled people to fill them.
Juvenile and Probate Judge Jason Aslinger and Municipal Court Judge
Julie Monnin gave updates on their courts, while State Rep. Jim Buchy
noted that the high unemployment picture in eastern Ohio (10 percent
and more) will start looking better soon with the opening of gas and
oil exploration in the area.
Other notes:
There are ongoing free 9-volt smoke detector battery exchanges
throughout Darke County. For a complete list of locations and dates, go
to http://co.darke.oh.us/solidwaste.
On Oct. 22 there will be a Household Hazardous Waste Collection in the
Darke County Fairgrounds Swine Barn from 8 a.m. to Noon. There is no
preregistration. Items may include chemicals such as oil and latex
paint, gasoline, pesticides etc. Items not included would be asbestos,
explosives, electronics etc. If you have a question you should call
Darke County Solid Waste at 937-547-0827 or check the website noted
There will also be an unused or expired prescription drugs “take back”
at Family Health on Meeker Road, Oct. 29, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
The Darke County Agricultural meeting takes place at 7:30 a.m. the
first Thursday of each month in the Employee Cafeteria at Brethren
Retirement Community. It is conducted by Darke County OSU Extension
agent Justin Petrosino, who provides a monthly update on agriculture in
the county. Updates are also provided by a variety of employees and
elected officials at local and state levels. All meetings are open to
the public.