State Representative Jim Buchy...
Buchy and Henne
promote Issue 2
Dayton, Ohio - On Tuesday evening, Representative Michael Henne
(R-Clayton) and Representative Jim Buchy (R-Greenville) addressed
members of the Dayton Public School Board at their regularly scheduled
meeting. The two members of the Ohio House felt a need to address
the Board after a series of letters to the editor and newspaper
articles on the topic of Issue 2 appeared in the Dayton Daily News over
the weekend.
Commenting on a letter to the editor from David Romick, President of
the Dayton Education Association, which appeared in the Dayton Daily
News on Sunday, September 18th, Representative Henne said, “Mr. Romick
says this is all about ‘dollars and cents.’ This isn’t about dollars
and cents—it is common sense.”
Representative Henne then went on to explain four examples of common
sense in Issue 2, including employees paying 15% of their healthcare
insurance. He commended the Dayton Public Schools for already
asking employees to pay 15% of their healthcare insurance. “Dayton
Public Schools is taking the lead on many of the changes in Issue 2,”
he said. “This school is turning in the right direction. Dayton
Public Schools is participating in Race to the Top, which encourages
the implementation of more provisions found within Issue 2 including
performance pay for teachers.”
Representative Henne explained the other three examples of common-sense
reform included in Issue 2, including potential savings of several
million dollars for Dayton City Schools, as well as the removal of
“last in, first out,” which will allow schools to keep the best
teachers and remove underperforming staff. His final point was
that performance pay would reward and retain the highest quality
teachers at Dayton Public Schools.
Following Representative Henne’s remarks, Representative Buchy then
addressed the members of the school board. He provided a history of the
collective bargaining laws in Ohio, explaining “we have not updated
collective bargaining laws since 1983.” He went on to explain the
importance of passing Issue 2. “YES on Issue 2 means jobs,” he said.
“This is all part of Governor Kasich’s plan to turn this state in the
right direction.”
Representative Buchy explained that if Issue 2 doesn’t pass, it may
likely cause schools to layoff teachers. “The state is out of money to
send to the schools, and it is very tough to pass a levy in this
climate,” he said. “The only option left is to lay off good
teachers.” As a lifelong business owner, he believes that without
the passage of Issue 2, employers won’t be able to manage the rising
labor costs. “These are common-sense approaches to fixing a major
problem. With these tools, administrators will be able to keep our best
teachers working and improving the future of our children.”
“I hope this board will agree with Representative Henne and me,”
Representative Buchy continued. “I believe it is common sense that you
would endorse Issue 2.”