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Ohio Gov. John Kasich clashes again with House Republicans over budget

COLUMBUS, Ohio — Gov. John Kasich is headed for another showdown with his fellow Republicans in the Ohio House over how the state should spend its money.

Kasich, who came into office vowing to curb the influence of special interests on the state budget, blasted House Republicans Wednesday for passing a version of his mid-budget review that includes $30 million in new funding for nursing homes. The GOP lawmakers also added a provision to the mid-budget review, or MBR, that kicks open the door for future spending if the state ends up with surplus budget money.

“We are not turning the MBR into a spending spree,” said Kasich spokesman Rob Nichols. “This is about reforms, not spending more money.”

The nursing home provision, as well as the language that stops surplus state budget funds from automatically going into the state’s rainy day fund, were late additions to the MBR document, which passed the Ohio House Wednesday in a 62-34 vote. Four Democrats, including three from Cuyahoga County -- Reps. Sandra Williams, John Barnes and Bill Patmon --joined all 58 Republicans in voting for the measure.

The $30 million in nursing home funding would go into a pool of money available to skilled nursing homes that meet at least one of a series of standards.

The rainy day provision sets the stage for lawmakers to possibly siphon off surplus funds when the state closes the books at the end of June. The surplus could reach as high as $600 million to $800 million at that time, according to some budget insiders.

However, a $500 million payment from the state’s private economic development wing --JobsOhio -- is tied up in a court case and is a complicating factor that would blow a half-billion-dollar hole in the budget if it’s not resolved.

Kasich has tangled with House Republicans before over spending on nursing homes, when he sharply cut payments to the politically powerful group in his first state budget. The governor also lashed out recently at House GOP lawmakers after they stripped out a hike he proposed in the state’s drilling tax designed to pay for a small income tax cut for all Ohioans.

On the nursing home front, Nichols said that “no one has shown that quality of care has been impacted by the cuts.” As for the extra $30 million for nursing homes, Nichols said the governor has flatly stated: “That’s not going to happen.”

That raises the possibility of a Kasich veto if the current version of the MBR bill reaches his desk. The legislation next goes to the Senate for revisions.

Rep. Ron Amstutz, a Wooster Republican who heads the House Finance Committee, praised the $30 million for skilled nursing homes, which builds on a previous GOP-backed program.

“We think that it is a good step to improve something further that we started in previous legislation,” he said during the floor debate on the bill.

Amstutz, in an interview before the vote, took in stride the governor’s criticism about the potential surplus spending.

“I haven’t heard from the governor’s office about it yet, but the process is continuing,” Amstutz said. “No decisions have been made about where we ought to end up on the whole thing.”

While Republicans shot down a Democratic amendment to add $400 million in funding to schools and local governments that would have been paid for by a hike in the state’s drilling tax, Amstutz sounded open to softening the blow felt by schools and communities down the road.

“Ultimately, there could be some common ground over what we might end up doing,” Amstutz said. At another point, he said, “I think our local partners need our attention.”

While Republicans sound content to wait to see how the state’s financial picture looks down the road, Democrats rose time and again during the debate to plead that more money be shipped now to schools and local governments.

“The kids in Cleveland can’t wait, the kids around the state can’t wait,” said Rep. Armond Budish, a Beachwood Democrat and the highest-ranking House Democrat. “We need good schools, we need safe communities.”

Another provision in the budget bill would eliminate payments thousands of families in the Cleveland area are required to make for their children to be eligible for the Cleveland Scholarship Program.

Under current law, families of the 4,900 children receiving the vouchers for private schools had to come up with a 10 to 25 percent match. Now the state would foot the bill for the entire scholarships, which range from $3,188 to $4,500, depending on the income level of the student’s family as well as grade level.

House Republicans said they added the provision because families in other parts of the state aren’t asked to kick in for “Ed Choice” scholarships --a similar voucher-type program.

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