Ohio Dept. of Transportation
Ohio Launches
‘Jobs and Transportation Plan’
Ohio Turnpike will not be leased; Commission remains public,
independent; Tolls remain low
COLUMBUS (Thursday, December 13, 2012) – Governor John R. Kasich
embarked on a two-day state tour as he, Ohio Department of
Transportation (ODOT) Director Jerry Wray, Ohio Turnpike Director Rick
Hodges and others unveil a first-of-its-kind plan to generate
approximately $3 billion for highway road construction without leasing
the Ohio Turnpike and without Turnpike employee layoffs.
The Ohio Jobs and Transportation Plan would generate $1.5 billion in
new funds for Ohio highways from bonds issued by the Ohio Turnpike
Commission and backed by future toll revenues. Up to an additional $1.5
billion could be generated from matching local and federal funds coming
to a combined total of approximately $3 billion for Ohio’s major
highway construction projects.
“This plan just makes sense as we continue Ohio’s economic resurgence,
grow jobs and make our state prosperous once again,” Kasich said.
“Billions of dollars in new highway funds further strengthens Ohio’s
jobs-friendly climate and keeps our state moving by delivering more
projects faster.”
“Bonding against future Turnpike revenue generates enough money to
erase our highway budget deficit,” Wray said. “Combined with ODOT’s
work to reduce our cost of doing business and improve service to the
state’s motoring public, this plan puts the resources we need into our
major construction budget.”
Details of the Ohio Jobs and Transportation Plan include:
• No long-term, private lease;
• A continued public, independent Turnpike with expanded
authority and renamed the “Ohio Turnpike and Infrastructure Commission”;
• More than 90 percent of new bond money will go directly to
northern Ohio highway projects, including the Turnpike itself;
• Rebuilding the Ohio Turnpike will occur decades sooner than
• Tolls for local trips paid with an EZ Pass are frozen for 10
• All other toll rates are capped at inflation, which is
significantly less than historic toll increases;
• No Turnpike employee lay-offs are anticipated.
“Maintaining public control and an independent Turnpike Commission
helps keep tolls low and workers on the job,” Hodges said. “Plus, with
this new plan we can get to work rebuilding the entire Turnpike decades
sooner than we once had planned.”
ODOT has cut the agency’s $1.6 billion highway budget deficit by $400
million thanks to new savings and operational efficiencies, but more
money and more innovation is needed. Money generated from the
Ohio Jobs and Transportation Plan will help fill budget deficit without
raising taxes that would kill jobs. The launch of the new plan
concludes a year-long study of options for better using the revenue
generated by the Ohio Turnpike.