Locals, schools
react to elementary shooting
By Jill Kelley
Staff Writer
The shooting at a Connecticut elementary school Friday that killed
dozens of people, including at least 20 children, has prompted
questions about the security measures in place at Dayton-area schools.
“It puts everyone on hyper-vigilance; it is human nature,” said Jill
Moberley, Dayton Public Schools spokeswoman, of the shooting’s relation
to Dayton. “We want to assure parents that Dayton Public Schools has a
districtwide security protocol in place at all of its schools.”
Northmont Superintendent Sarah Zatik added that every time there is an
incident like this, it is extremely tragic.
“It brings us to look at our own security and safety plan to make sure
we have everything in place,” she said.
State law requires all Ohio school boards to adopt a comprehensive
school safety plan for each school building. Districts must have a
protocol for addressing serious threats to safety and any emergency
events that could compromise the safety of students or staff.
That plan, often created with the help of local law enforcement
officers, must be updated at least once every three years. Copies of
the school safety plan and blueprints must be filed with local law
enforcement agencies and the fire department, and filed with the
attorney general’s office…
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