Ohio Republican Chairman Kevin DeWine
“Barack Obama
has abdicated his responsibility to govern”
COLUMBUS -Ohio Republican Party Chairman Kevin DeWine released the
following statement this evening on President Obama’s State of the
Union Address:
“Barack Obama once again squandered an opportunity to exude leadership
and rise above the partisan divisiveness he has exacerbated during his
failed presidency,” Chairman Kevin DeWine said.
“What is clear is that Barack Obama has abdicated his responsibility to
govern, and has instead resorted to commanding the public spotlight for
the sole purpose of driving a wedge between Americans through partisan,
campaign-style rhetoric.
Three years of failed promises have led our nation deeper into debt,
created greater uncertainty for American job creators and prolonged
unacceptably high unemployment.
“Fortunately for Ohio taxpayers and families, voters are beginning to
realize that the only thing being stimulated by Barack Obama’s failed
big-spending policies is government growth. That is the wrong
prescription for Ohio, and it is why tonight’s State of the Union will
be Barack Obama’s last,” Chairman DeWine concluded.