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Dayton Business Journal...
Yahoo CEO under fire over alleged false degree
Monday, May 7, 2012 

The hedge fund that is trying to replace Yahoo Inc. directors on Friday called for the company to fire CEO Scott Thompson and dismiss board member Patti Hart because of misinformation provided about their education. A second large Yahoo shareholder also has joined in the call. 

Third Point LLC pointed out on Thursday that Thompson’s bio on the company Web site and in proxy materials filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission    claimed he earned a computer sciences degree he doesn’t have. 

The fund, which is a major investor in Yahoo, also said that degrees in economics and marketing were erroneously listed for Hart, according to a report in the Silicon Valley/San Jose Business Journal. 

“Mr. Thompson and the board should make no mistake: this is a big deal. CEOs have been terminated for less at other companies,” Daniel Loeb wrote in a letter to the board. 

Yahoo originally called the errors “inadvertent” and said it didn’t diminish Thompson’s record as a tech CEO at eBay Inc.’s    PayPal unit. 

However, the board said Thursday night that it will review the situation and report back on its findings. 

Eric Jackson of Ironfire Capital has joined in calling for the CEO to step down, according to the San Jose Mercury News. Ironfire owns about 3.2 million Yahoo shares. 

A report by suggests that Thompson may well be soon to leave Yahoo if history is any indicator. It reports that the top executives at RadioShack, Vertias and Lotus have all either been fired or left their position after it was revealed they had falsehoods listed in their bios. 

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