What They Told
Us: Reviewing Last Week’s Key Polls
Saturday, August 02, 2014
Generic Congressional Ballot: Democrats 41%, Republicans 39%
24% Say U.S. Heading in Right Direction
37% of Consumers Hold Poor View of Economy
Twenty-four percent (24%) of Likely U.S. Voters say the country is
heading in the right direction. Think about that for a minute.
That’s the lowest finding this year but generally reflects the attitude
of voters for months now. Admittedly Republicans and unaffiliated
voters are a lot more pessimistic, but Democrats now are evenly
divided. Just as many voters in President Obama’s party think the
country is headed the wrong way as think it’s moving in the right
Belief that the United States is winning the War on Terror has
plummeted to its lowest level in over 10 years of regular tracking.
Dislike of the new national health care law is at its highest level in
several months, with half or more of voters still predicting it will
hurt the quality and cost of care.
Voters rate the latest immigration crisis as a bigger national security
problem for this country than Russia and the renewed fighting between
Israelis and Palestinians.
Most voters think the president is doing a poor job handling the flow
of young illegal immigrants across the border and believe he wants to
let most of them stay here despite majority support for their quick
This potential flood of cheap labor comes at a time when more Americans
than ever think it is no longer possible for just about anyone in this
country to work their way out of poverty.
As for government assistance, most Americans continue to believe
current government anti-poverty programs have no impact on poverty or
actually increase it. A sizable number still think the large increase
in food stamp recipients is just because the government has made food
stamps easier to get.
In this environment, it’s no surprise that the president’s monthly job
approval ratings have fallen to a low for the year. His daily job
approval ratings show no sign of improvement either. And we know what
voters think of Congress...
Read the rest of the article with links at Rasmussen